An acquired taste: the enduring legacy of progressive rock​

  • Paul Goodge

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    The objective of this thesis is to address the growing recognition that in the world of
    music appreciation, the voice of fans needs to be heard, so as to enrich our
    understanding of how and why popular music forms are valorized. The unspectacular
    fans of Progressive rock music have particularly been excluded from academic, scholarly,
    and journalistic discourse. Using Grounded Theory as a research basis, this thesis
    privileges and foregrounds the views of 51 Progressive rock amateur aficionados, and
    explores the motivations behind their lifetimes of enduring fandom. One-on-one
    interviews with each participant, and six six-person Focus Groups, provided over 100
    hours of primary research, and enabled key findings to be analyzed, and new theories
    to be advanced. The heterogenous nature of Progressive rock was mirrored in these
    fans’ perspectives. This research shed new light on how fans contextualize and define
    this musical meta-genre (‘A Contextualizaton’). In their own words, and contra extant
    theories, their perspectives bring to life how and why they repeatedly immerse
    themselves in their preferred music, clearly delineating textual and contextual elements
    (‘The Complexity Attraction’). The socio-cultural settings within which Progressive rock
    is listened to, engaged with, and enjoyed, signifies individual, rather than wider societal,
    approaches to understanding music appreciation and the valorization of music artefacts
    and history, giving rise to a notion termed ‘mea cultura’. Finally, the correspondences
    between participating fans’ appreciation of Progressive rock’s evolution, and their own
    reception of it, reveal some hitherto unrecognized paradoxes (‘The Progressive
    Paradox’). Across a broad range of fields, this thesis advances our understanding of
    Progressive rock fandom through the eyes and ears of those rarely heard from.
    Date of Award24 Jan 2023
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorMartin James (Supervisor)

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