WIDESENSE - Wireless Distributed Sensor Enhancement - Project report

Helena Twigg, Marc Molinari

    Research output: Book/ReportOther reportpeer-review

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    This project report summarises the outcomes of the WIDESENSE (Wireless Distributed Sensor Enhancement) research enterprise project which was funded as part of the 11th Southampton Solent University?s internal RE round. The original proposal was to create a wireless distributed sensor system at a low cost, such that many could be deployed in punitive environments where not all modules were expected to survive. This report summarises the research, implementation, tests and achieved objectives of the project and covers: 1) Interfacing of sensors to a miniature Arduino microcontroller board 2) Obtaining meaningful data from two or more sensors 3) Wireless transmission of sensor data from a miniature microcontroller board to a base station 4) Accurate reception of the data at the base station 5) Time-stamping and recording of data onto a non-volatile SD card.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusUnpublished - 1 Oct 2015


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