'Voice source and acoustic measures of girls singing “classical” and “contemporary commercial” styles

Christopher Barlow, David Howard, Jeannette Lovetri

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Published conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    The understanding of the singing voice of children and adolescents is still
    in its infancy, and there is a lack of a general developmental model of the
    young voice, in particular with relation to young singers. Available
    research has largely also been on “classically” trained voices, and
    contemporary commercial music (CCM) including pop/rock and musical
    theatre has largely been ignored. This study examined laryngographic
    and acoustic analysis of 10 young female singers, aged 14-17, training
    using a system which includes both classical and CCM techniques,
    particularly musical theatre (MT). Singers were found to have generally
    higher vocal fold closed quotient (CQ) at most pitches when singing in an
    MT style than in a classical style. The spectral slope was also found to be
    generally shallower for MT singing than classical, particularly over F0-
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInternational Syposium of Performance Science
    EditorsAaron Williamon, Danielle Coimbra
    PublisherAssociation Europeen des Conservatoires
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2007


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