The Family FUNS Programme: Evaluation of the Family FUNS Programme

    Research output: Published contribution to conferencePoster

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    This research study was conducted to evaluate the ‘Family FUNS’ programme designed and developed by Create Development, a nationwide organisation established in 2008, to further engage and inspire young people in and through PE and Sport (Create Development, 2016a). As an organisation their core values consist of three central philosophies: ‘Creating clear, shared learning journeys; providing quality personalised opportunities; and shifting responsibility towards the learner (Create Development, 2016a).
    Create Development’s training and resources have been produced to support schools, families and communities in order to ‘redefine what’s possible’ for Physical Education (PE), sport and physical activity through a positive and inclusive culture to create positive relationships with being active for life (Create Development, 2016b). Other intended outcomes are that young children will develop physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills through engagement with the programmes (Create Development, 2016b).
    The research was inspired by a number of fundamental elements. Firstly, to continue the already established work by Create Development in implementing the Family FUNS programme within schools and further measure the impact of the programme. Secondly, to add to the efficacy of the Family FUNS programme by highlighting areas of strengths and weaknesses in order to further develop the programme and ultimately increase its presence within schools. Thirdly, to strengthen the links between Southampton Solent University, Sport Hampshire and Isle of Wight (SHIOW) and Create Development, through a collaborative effort of research and enterprise. As such, the findings from the research will contribute towards building a more robust, as well as context specific and evidenced based, Family FUNS programme that will help inform policy, planning and physical activity development within schools.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - May 2017


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