“That's where you start to think like, does anyone actually listen to or watch women's sport?” Gender Regimes and Students Experiences on Higher Education Sport Courses: Curriculum, Gender Regimes and Students on Higher Education Sport Courses

Philippa Velija, Catherine Phipps

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    In this article we apply theoretical tools from the work of Elias and Connell to critically discuss the ways in which gender relations on Higher Education sport courses are manifested and experienced by students. Drawing on data from an analysis of curriculum, as well as interviews, surveys and workshops with students across a range of sport courses at one university, we explore curriculum design and the ways in which knowledge is presented which both marginalises and compartmentalises issues of gender, as well as presenting knowledge as gender neutral. This article provides a critical understanding of how knowledge about gender and women’s sport features and is taught in UK Higher Education sport courses, alongside how students experiences in the classroom to provide an understanding which reinforces existing gender regimes and gender relations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)233-252
    Number of pages20
    JournalInternational Review for the Sociology of Sport
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2022


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