Telehealth in Schools Using a Systematic Educational Model Based on Fiction Screenplays, Interactive Documentaries, and Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics

Diogo Miranda, Lung Wen Chao

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Background: Preliminary studies suggest the need of a global vision in academic reform, leading to education re-invention. This would include problem-based education using transversal topics, developing of thinking skills, social interaction, and information-processing skills. We aimed to develop a new educational model in health with modular components to be broadcast and applied as a tele-education course. Materials and Methods: We developed a systematic model based on a ‘‘Skills and Goals Matrix’’ to adapt scientific contents on fictional screenplays, three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics of the human body, and interactive documentaries. We selected 13 topics based on youth vulnerabilities in Brazil to be disseminated through a television show with 15 episodes. We developed scientific content for each theme, naturally inserting it into screenplays, together with 3D sequences and interactive documentaries. The modular structure was then adapted to a distance-learning course. Results: The television show was broadcast on national television for two consecutive years to an estimated audience of 30 million homes, and ever since on an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) channel. It was also reorganized as a teleeducation course for 2 years, reaching 1,180 subscriptions from all 27 Brazilian states, resulting in 240 graduates. Conclusion: Positive results indicate the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of a model of modular entertainment audio-visual productions using health and education integrated concepts. This structure also allowed the model to be interconnected with other sources and applied as teleeducation course, educating, informing, and stimulating the behavior change. Future works should reinforce this joint structure of telehealth, communication, and education.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)01-07
    Number of pages7
    JournalTelemedicine Journal and e-Health
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2018


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