Teaching evidence-based synthesis: an examination of the development and delivery of two innovative methodologies used at the University of Portsmouth

P Gorczynski, Karen Burnell, Ann Dewey, J Costello

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    Evidence based practice (EBP) is a process that involves making conscientious decisions that take into account the best available information, clinical expertise, and values and experiences of the patient. EBP helps empower health care professionals to establish service provisions that are clinically excellent, cost-effective, and culturally sensitive to the wishes of their patients. With a need for rapid integration of new evidence into EBP, systematic reviews and meta-analyses have become important tools for health care professionals. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are conducted in a conscientious manner, following an established set of rules where individuals identify studies that address a particular question based on clearly defined inclusion and exclusion criteria along with a predetermined method of analysis. Conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses isn't easy nor quick and requires knowledge in a particular subject area, research methods, and statistics. Teaching health care professionals, including undergraduate and graduate students, the processes and skills necessary to carry out systematic reviews and meta- analyses is essential, yet few teaching resources exist for academic staff to facilitate this endeavor. The purpose of this article is to present two strategies taken by academic staff in the Faculty of Science at the University of Portsmouth, UK to teach evidence synthesis and processes to enhance EBP. One case involves a pedagogical approach used with exercise science masters students while the other details the work of an on-line postgraduate certificate program that has been developed in collaboration with Cochrane UK.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)11-15
    JournalJournal of Evidence-Based Medicine
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


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