Silence on Loan

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Silence on Loan is an Artists’ Book, published in the form of a 10” silent dubplate or record. The first ‘print’ is held in the Artists Book Special Collection at Winchester School of Art Library (University of Southampton). Cut with a silent groove, Silence on Loan is not a sound recording, but rather a record of a moment when nothing was recorded. The book is published without the protection of cover or sleeve so that the silence is continually being written, through the harm and dust that come to its surface. The publication was announced with a performance of the silence at Winchester School of Art (WSA), a performance which will take place annually.
    As the publisher of Silence on Loan, I have lodged a legal deposit copy with the British Library and the five Legal Deposit Libraries at: The Bodleian Library, Oxford, Cambridge University Library, The National Library of Scotland, The Library of Trinity College, Dublin, The National Library of Scotland.

    Silence on Loan is part of an ongoing series of silent releases, which explore the ‘mattering’ of sound and the loss inherent in the act of recording. Recognising this ongoing research Silence on Loan was part of my solo exhibition, Various Silences at Winchester School of Art Library (2019).
    Silence on Loan was also selected for The National Original Print Exhibition at the Bankside Gallery, London, 2019.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationWinchester
    PublisherSebastiane Hegarty
    ISBN (Print)978-1-5272-3880-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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