Reflection, identity, community: affordances of blogging for social interaction and reflective dialogue.

Roy Hanney, Gerda Skirkeviciute

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    An evaluation of blogging as a means for developing educational affordances that enhance characteristics of social interaction and reflective dialogue within learning communities. The researcher asks: what are the barriers to developing blogging as a social practice; and seeks to identify positive actions that will enhance the implementation of course blogging. The production of two separate research data sets, from staff and students, allows for a comparison that aims to identify disjunctions between staff conceptions of blogging and that of students. Offering a possibility for determining the particular set of educational affordances required to achieve the aims of the project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1
    Number of pages17
    JournalEducation and Information Technologies
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 2018
    EventSolent Learning and Teaching Community Conference 2018 - Southampton Solent University, Southampton, United Kingdom
    Duration: 22 Jun 201822 Jun 2018


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