Presentation of SLTI Funded Collaborative Research Project 2017-18: ‘Digital Pedagogy for Interdisciplinary Critical Creative Practice: student centred teaching and learning models’ Talk – Research Lead and Speaker: Solent Learning and Teaching Community Conference 2018, ‘In Pursuit of Excellence: embedding ‘best practice’ through curriculum review’. Solent University.

Amber Lamonby-Pennie

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Published conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    Digital pedagogy for interdisciplinary critical creative practice: student centred teaching and learning
    models (Seed funded project)
    Amber Lamonby-Pennie, School of Art, Design and Fashion
    Dr Mohammed Al-Husban, School of Media Arts and Technology
    My research focuses on curriculum development and creative pedagogies for post-digital Creative HE
    Education; primarily on the relationship of theory to practice and how contemporary culture is being
    redefined through human computer interaction. This research project involved the tracking of
    consenting MA students at Solent University and Kingston University, London, to gather original
    qualitative data that focused on how MA students create their own digital narratives, learning
    behaviours, internet usage patterns and innovative creative practices. Research evidences how this
    occurs and explores pedagogic models that reflect the needs of creative students working within
    digital convergent culture.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationDialogue Journal
    PublisherSouthampton Solent University
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 2018


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