Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET: Proceedings, Mini Conference – Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks. 28-30 June 2012, Technology School, Southampton Solent University

Kalin Penev (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

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    The mini conference ?Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks? focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUK
    PublisherSouthampton Solent University
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2012


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