Male social work students: common dispositions, motivations, experiences and barriers impacting their career choice

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This research article contributes to the literature concerning the gender imbalance within social work and the sparsity of male social work practitioners. It argues for increased gender balance within the profession and reports on a qualitative research study, which garnered the perceptions and experiences of thirty-four male social work students and alumni. Participants were drawn from six universities across the UK. Qualitative data were collated using semi-structured interviews, surveys, field observations and BEM sex role inventory tests. Analysis of the data identified the characteristics and dispositions of males more likely to enter the profession, locating where they can potentially be drawn from. This research is of interest to policymakers wishing to address the low status of the profession and in terms of informing a recruitment strategy for social work, particularly involving secondary and higher education to further promote the profession as one suitable for any gender.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3736-3754
Number of pages19
JournalBritish Journal of Social Work
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2024

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