Lifeblood: Funding popular music education in Wales

James Hannam, Olivia Gable

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    This study investigates the funding of popular music education (PME) in Wales at a time when the Welsh government is examining its current Music Service provision. Our research considers the potential impact of this move on PME in Wales, alongside analysis of the availability of state-funded PME across the four UK nations. Music curricula and funding have historically favoured Western art music (WEAM), with PME often happening in more informal settings. However, this situation has changed in recent years, with both state and private funders now providing more support for PME in Wales. Our research includes interviews with both funders and grantees offering PME activities across the country, finding that the terminology used to describe PME varies widely between organizations. We also observe that Welsh organizations face challenges in both applying for, and receiving, funding.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)17-37
    Number of pages21
    JournalJournal of Popular Music Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021


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