Let's make waves: Changing the landscape for the Solent's film industry

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This research study aims to develop an evidential basis to inform strategic development of the film
industry in the Solent (south central) region of the UK. The density of the creative industries around
the region is driving the growth of jobs. Yet, film production in particular, appears to struggle with
field configuration, lacks ecological cohesion, and suffers from underdeveloped ecosystems when
compared to other areas bordering the region. Though thriving, a lack of coordinated leadership
results in the continued reproduction of an ill-configured, constricted and socio-economically
filtered workforce. One that struggles to seize strategic opportunities arising as a consequence of
the ongoing investment in UK film production around the west of London. Taking a participatory
approach, the study sought to avoid the universalism of place marketing and focus on the
situatedness of the region and its specific cultural, social, and economic contexts. The staging of a
series of high profile networking events provided a much needed field configuring activity and
enabled the capture of voices of those currently working in the sector. It is understood that a focus
on production is not in and of itself a solution to the challenges faced in the region. There is a need
to address issues of access as a counterbalance to skewed representation among the creative
workforces thus the study also aims to report on opportunities for embedding diversity and inclusion
in any strategic solutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2022

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