‘Let’s get Lost. Southampton as the Situationist city’ curated by Flavia Loscialpo

Flavia Loscialpo (Other)

    Research output: Creative Practice OutputsExhibition


    Let’s get lost. Southampton as the Situationist city gives the opportunity to learn about and experience hidden narratives, unusual places and stories, linked to the city of Southampton, through art interventions and activities questioning the subtle boundary between absence and presence. The series of events includes artist talks, a walking tour, a collaborative installation/performance, a workshop, and will directly involve the audience through the co-creation of a group exhibition.
    Let’s get lost. Southampton as the Situationist city intends to expose the public to key contributions addressing the urban, modern experience (Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire’s and the flâneur; Guy Debord’s psychogeography), questioning the relationship between history and the present, and re-considering the roles of the museum, the archive and the curator in enabling access to exhibits and heritage (Calum Storrie, The Delirious Museum, 2006). Focussing on cultural memory, traces and sound art, the artistic interventions will engage the audiences through active participation as well as ‘drifting’ (dérive) around the urban environment, thus reflecting Debord’s and the Situationist Intention.

    Curator: Dr Flavia Loscialpo
    Artists: Dr Atsu Ito
    Dr Sebastiane Hegarty
    Jennifer Anyan
    Sarah Filmer
    Rosy Maguire

    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSouthampton
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017


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