Inclusionary and Exclusionary Banter: English Club Cricket, Inclusive Attitudes and Male Camaraderie

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    Sport has traditionally been a hostile environment for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people. However, a body of recent research on a range of British sports has documented a considerable shift toward inclusivity for sexual minorities. Curiously, despite its popularity across parts of the UK, no research has yet measured attitudes in cricket. By drawing on 12 semi-structured interviews with a club cricket team in the South East of England, we show overwhelmingly inclusive attitudes toward homosexuality in sport and society. We also explore how forms of ‘banter’ among members of the club are complex and multifaceted. Accordingly, we propose that banter in grassroots cricket can be conceptualized into ‘inclusionary’ forms (incorporating how a close team relationship can facilitate inclusive forms of banter) and ‘exclusionary’ forms (incorporating which jokes transgress acceptable forms of banter). This research therefore acts as point of departure for further investigations of the operation of banter across different levels of sport.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSport in Society
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Sept 2020


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