Implementing physically active teaching and learning in primary school curricula in the United Kingdom

Henry Dorling, Oscar Mwaanga, Michelle Jones

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    There currently exists worldwide concern around obesity, inactivity and sedentary school curricula. EduMove (Education through Movement) offers physically active and movement-based teaching and learning promoting cross-curricula delivery in schools. This research assessed effectiveness of mechanisms and processes underpinning the claims of EduMove, stakeholder relationships and Student Practitioner delivery. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with Teachers and Student Practitioners relating to physical activity, delivery methods and enjoyment levels to gauge understanding and engagement with the EduMove philosophy. Findings demonstrated increases in pupil concentration and confidence, although wider outcomes relating to school-wide physical activity, health and educational attainment need further exploration. Students as delivery agents was positive in relation to stakeholder interaction, although further training is required to achieve more sustainable outcomes. Embedding movement within cross-curricula planning has potential after evidence of enthusiasm and acceptance although further professional development is required to deliver activities that address complex societal and curricula issues.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEducation 3-13
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2020


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