Ideation using the “Design with Intent” toolkit: A case study applying a design toolkit to support creativity in developing vehicle interfaces for fuel-efficient driving

Craig Allison, Neville Stanton

    Research output: Contribution to journalSpecial issuepeer-review

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    Everyday driving is a significant source of greenhouse gases and pollutants within developed nations. Finding ways to combat these emissions and minimise the impact of anthropometric climate change is a growing challenge for all research disciplines. This current paper explores the use of a design toolkit “Design with Intent” to generate ideas for in-vehicle interfaces designed to reduce fuel use and emissions. A preliminary interface validation assessment is also presented in order to assess whether the ideas generated were appropriate in encouraging behavioural change and of potential value. It is suggested that whilst further evaluation of the interfaces are required, the use of the “Design with Intent” toolkit facilitated the creative process, allowing engineers to conceive initial interface designs in a creative manner.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalApplied Ergonomics
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2020


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