How green Are shipping companies?

Roy Bramall

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper

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This paper evaluates the degree of environmental awareness of shipping companies by examining the environmental statements presented on their websites. Companies are divided into three categories: firstly those which are just compliant with international maritime legislation; secondly those who react positively to initiatives in the marketplace to improve the environment and are compliant with legislation and thirdly those companies which through their own activities take a lead in setting standards for their environmental performance independent of international maritime law and so go beyond compliance. The researcher found considerable variation among larger shipping companies in their interpretation of current environmental legislation. Most companies fell within the range of the second category defined above in that they were more than compliant with current legislation or showed evidence of working towards full compliance in some of the more complex areas such as ballast water exchange. While the majority of companies act well within international law, a few were only marginally compliant and may on closer inspection in fact not be compliant at all. A small number of companies demonstrated an exemplary approach and fell within the third category defined above.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2012
Externally publishedYes


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