HEA/UKCISA "Connections" Project Final Report: Development of Transnational Work-Based Learning in the Curriculum - An Approach Informed by the Student Experience

Alastair Monger

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This report covers primarily the initiation, outcomes and recommendations of this HEA/UKCISA Connections pilot project undertaken mainly from March to June 2012 and collaboratively by the Technology School, the b.i.b. International College, the Enterprise Europe EISC Ltd and Solent Students Union. The report abstracts from, and refers to, the Open Educational Resource (OER) ebook-format output from the project. This contains considerably more detail including all the underpinning employer student survey data and interview transcripts of 7 transnational work placement students (6 b.ib. students in the Hampshire region and 1 Solent student in Munich) and their respective employers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Externally publishedYes


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