Euro-ZA: Capacity Building in the Field of Maritime Education Final Facilities Report Work Package 2.3

Carole Davis, Mahmoud Haghdousti, Adesh Joshi, Jonathan Ridley

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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The training and education of Merchant Navy Cadets and Officers has a strong practical element. The remoteness, risk and complexity in the workplace itself necessitates a range of training facilities to emulate and simulate the workplace for the trainee or student. Different institutions internationally have developed their facilities for courses offered and compliance with the national training requirements, international training requirements and specialist local industry requirements. This has resulted in a diverse approach to the development of facilities across different institutions. This document outlines the facilities at each of the partners within the project and identifies common trends and baselines by means of categorising facilities and recording the distribution of facilities within categories. This supports the overall project aims of identifying the curriculum, pedagogical approaches and facilities required to support different disciplines in the industry, draw conclusions and make recommendations for development for the partners. Based on both the commonality of facilities between partners and requirements set out in international legislation, a series of recommendations for required facilities are therefore given. The enhancement of facilities during the project is discussed, with a narrative explaining the change in the context of facilities use due to the global Covid-19 Pandemic.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSolent University
Number of pages57
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2022


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