Drawing Queer: Lines of difference, going astray and the undiminished jaggy

    Research output: Published contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Within this paper, I consider the limitations of the line when attempting to draw queer. Relating this to Butler’s suggestion that it is the endless repetition and reiteration of particular ideas that leads to identity or fixed categorisation. What happens to the line that has been endlessly reformulated and reiterated as straight? What will be ‘the very expressions that are said to be its results’? In contrast to Euclid’s positing of the straight line as being without limit, this paper suggests that the cultural definitions that have been imposed upon the line as straightening devices, have brought about significant limits and that these limits have implications, as inhibitors to what a line can express. This makes the queering of lines an imperative, so as to ‘open up the field of possibility... without dictating which kinds of possibilities ought to be realised.’ (Butler 2006)
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2017
    EventInvisible Identity and The Creative Act - Southampton Solent University, Southampton, United Kingdom
    Duration: 8 Dec 20178 Dec 2017


    ConferenceInvisible Identity and The Creative Act
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

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