Cocreation with prelicensure nursing students of a simulated practice placement

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BACKGROUND: Cocreation is a collaborative process that uses problem-based learning to construct new initiatives. It has many known benefits associated with innovation in the development of programs, such as by creating simulations based on firsthand experiences. METHODS: Thirty second-year prelicensure nursing students cocreated simulations and associated lesson plans for a simulated practice placement. They followed a 4-step process described in the article. RESULTS: Cocreation combines lecturers' and students' unique skills and knowledge, creating programs based on the unique firsthand experiences of stakeholders. As the students take control of their own workloads, facilitators need to be adaptable in the support they provide, depending on the needs of the students. CONCLUSION: The staged process provided a structure for the students to produce their simulations and lesson plans. The cocreation of the simulated practice placement provided an innovative educational model that supported student development and produced lessons and simulations based on stakeholder need.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E92-E96
Number of pages5
JournalNurse Educator
Issue number2
Early online date1 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023

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