Coastal Communities Adapting to Climate Change: an evaluation of capacity building and engagement in the Solent

Anthony Gallagher

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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    This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the CCATCH – Beaulieu to Calshot Pathfinder project; the aim being to draw out the lessons learned and areas of best practice so as to inform the wider CCATCH - the Solent project, as well as the Interreg IV funded CC2150 and Beyond.
    The methods employed to gather data included interviewing the key stakeholders involved in the process as well as the engagement consultants who facilitated it. This was supplemented by carrying out a public survey to gauge the project awareness and to interview the project managers of several other coastal adaptation projects, so as to enable a comparison with the work being carried out elsewhere.
    The results are generally very supportive of the approach taken and the tools and techniques employed during the Pathfinder, though highlighting with some clear room for improvement and consideration. On the basis that the selection of the area and the need for the project has already been established, the lessons learned relate inter alia to the application of stakeholder engagement and the commitment to implement identifiable actions; where engagement relates to its use both at the outset of the project and as a part of a developed on-going network beyond the lifetime of the funding. Commitment to following through with specific actions identified as part of the Adaptation Plan could then be implemented. In order to agree the Plan, and identify actions, it was clear that there was a need for specialist skills, and that these had been available for the Pathfinder. However, further consideration should be given to the use and interaction of consultants so as to their maximise effectiveness.
    In relation to tools and techniques, many of those employed were innovative, but not all were well attended. Local specificity means that the activities selected should best reflect the nature of the area. However, maximising the use of high quality visual tools as a way of communicating scientific and technical information is recommended. One of the key areas identified as a lesson learned relates to the Pathfinder‟s communication and publicity, with the evaluation identifying scope for improvement in the project website, and use of local newspapers, TV and radio. Employing a more developed communication strategy should certainly help with public awareness as well as lead to greater engagement with some of the
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages83
    Publication statusPublished - 2012

    Publication series

    NameConference Proceedings of Littoral 2012


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