Changing the narrative to alter the course of the Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) voyage: Critical reflections from a 22 years engagement in SDP

Oscar Mwaanga

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Published conference proceedingConference contribution


    Undoubtedly, the enthusiasm laden early years of the current SDP movement are slowly settling down, giving way to more realistic criticism that questions whether the SDP projects have delivered development to the intended target groups particularly in the so called ‘global south’ (Mwaanga and Adeosun, 2017). On the African side, there is a resounding fear that SDP will end up as another failed development intervention, a label which has become synonymous with international development aid.
    Indeed, contemporary SDP scholars (e.g., Hayhurst, 2009; Spaaij, 2012; Giulianotti, 2004; Banda and Mwaanga, 2014) are starting to critique the capacity and credibility of the SDP projects claims to deliver development outcomes. This paper takes this effort further by drawing on lessons from my 20 years multiple engagement in SDP as an activist, practitioner, innovator and academic. To help uncover realistic ways to alter the trajectory of the international SDP project, the paper identifies and critically examines the issues and voices constructing the SDP conversation and narrative. The analysis will centralise the role of ideology and social theory in the critique and progressive recommendations particularly for the Zambian SDP project.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication University of Zambia, 12th Sport African Conference 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2018


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