Body Music: Japanese Bunraku Revisited & KikiT VisuoSonic Research 2010-2017

Maurice Owen, Russell Richards

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Published conference proceedingConference contribution


    KikiTVisuoSonic uses real-time sound-image interactivity to create immersive environments in which the art gallery, the concert hall, the theatre and the cinema converge into a ‘total’ performance space. The conference paper outlined VisuoSonic research carried out between 2010-2017 and then introduced the conference participants to the live VisuoSonic performance that was programmed into the conference's live events section, which was held at the Auditório do Conservatório de Música do Porto later the same day (24-08-2017).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication6º Encontro Científico Internacional para Estudos sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais
    Subtitle of host publicationANIMUSIC 2017 : Scientific & Cultural Knowledge and Expression in Sound and Musical Instrument studies - 6th Organological Congress, Porto Portugal, Aug 24-Aug 27, 2017
    Place of PublicationPorto, Portugal
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2017


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