Big brother or harbinger of best practice: can lecture capture actually improve teaching?

Paul Joseph-Richard, Tansy Jessop, Godwin Okafor, Timos Almpanis, Daran Price

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Lecture capture is used increasingly in the UK, and has become a normal feature of higher education. Most studies on the impact of lecture capture have focused on benefits to student learning, the flipped classroom or student non-attendance at lectures following its introduction. It is less clear how the use of lecture capture has impacted on lecturers’ own academic practice. In this study, we use a mixed-methods approach to explore the impact of this intrusive yet invisible technology on the quality of teaching. We have mapped our findings to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF). In doing so, our data paints a mixed picture of lecture capture’s Janus-faced reality. On the one hand, it enhances lecturer self-awareness, planning and conscious ‘performance’; on the
    other hand, it crushes spontaneity, impairs interaction and breeds wariness through constant surveillance. While the Teaching Excellence Framework rewards institutions for providing state-of the-art technology and lecture recording systems, our findings pose awkward questions as to whether lecture capture is making teaching more bland and instrumental, albeit neatly aligned to
    dimensions of the UKPSF. We provide contradictory evidence about lecture capture technology, embraced by students, yet tentatively adopted by most academics. The implications of our study are not straightforward, except to proceed with caution, valuing the benefits but ensuring that learning
    is not dehumanised through blind acceptance at the moment we press the record button.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)377-392
    Number of pages16
    JournalBritish Educational Research Journal
    Early online date17 Apr 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018


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