Sarkar Sahab is a 29-part TV drama series. It was directed by Kamran Qureshi and Iram Qureshi and written by Seema Ghazal. The series tells a tale of Cholistan desert inhabitants, their culture, historical dwellings, shrines, feudal lordship, subjugation, and old family traditions. It discusses the issues of female infertility, forced marriages, family inheritance, and extant regional customs. Sarkar Sahab was produced by 7th Sky Entertainment and nominated for Best Director and Best Actor in Lux Style Awards 2009. The series was broadcast on ARY Digital TV Network in the US, UK, UAE, and Pakistan and is available on DVDs.
Translated title of the contribution | An Evicted Lord |
Original language | Undefined |
Publisher | ARY Digital Television Network |
Publication status | Published - 1 Oct 2007 |