Adjusting the Need for Speed: Assessment of a Visual Interface to Reduce Fuel Use

Craig Allison, James Fleming, Xingda Yan, Roberto Lot, Neville Stanton

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    Previous research has identified that fuel consumption and emissions can be considerably reduced if drivers engage in eco-driving behaviours. However, literature suggests that individuals struggle to maintain eco-driving behaviours without support. This paper evaluates an in-vehicle visual interface system designed to support eco-driving through recommendations based on both feedforward and feedback information. A simulator study explored participants’ fuel usage, driving style, and cognitive workload driving normally, when eco-driving without assistance and when using a visual interface. Improvements in fuel-efficiency were observed for both assisted (8.5%) and unassisted eco-driving (11%), however unassisted eco-driving also induced a significantly greater rating of self-reported effort. In contrast, using the visual interface did not induce the same increase of reported effort compared to everyday driving, but itself did not differ from unassisted driving. Results hold positive implications for the use of feedforward in-vehicle interfaces to improve fuel efficiency. Accordingly, directions are suggested for future research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)315-329
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2020


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