A cyber-physical system based collaborative distributed manufacturing system architecture for intelligent manufacturing

Abhishek Thakur, Nishant Chaudhary, Piyush Tilokani, Vijay Manupati, Eric Costa, Leonilde Varela, José Machado

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Published conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    This paper systematically reviews the literature on cyber-physical systems (CPS) based on collaborative distributed manufacturing systems architecture for intelligent manufacturing. To this end, relevant journal articles were analyzed, examining literature about Internet of things, big data, distributed manufacturing systems, collaborative manufacturing, and intelligent manufacturing. Some important issues are identified, as well as gaps in the existing knowledge. Moreover, a CPS architecture in distributed manufacturing is proposed that acts as a platform for the collaborative environment to intelligently performing the tasks. The proposed architecture encapsulates different resources which can act as a guide for building a CPS framework for the equipment interconnection, to the data collection, processing, and the final knowledge procurement and learning. Furthermore, enabling technologies are discussed in the context of distributed manufacturing environments, or successful integration of different technologies to minimize the interoperability.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Regional HELIX'17 - International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventRegional HELIX'17 - International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer - Covilha, Portugal
    Duration: 21 Jun 201723 Jun 2017


    ConferenceRegional HELIX'17 - International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer
    Abbreviated titleRegional HELIX'17


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