A critical commentary on the practical application of resistance training studies

James Fisher

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    Objectives: The purpose of this communication is to discuss the need for methodological detail and accuracy in resistance training publications. In doing so the hope is that future research might provide greater clarity, and thus have greater validity serving to (i) advance our physiological understanding of human adaptation, and (ii) provide coaches, trainers, and trainees with methods and results to better accommodate their own practice. Design and Methods: The sample of literature discussed herein has been considered due to previous exclusion from a larger review article due to a lack of control and/or reporting of independent variables. The present article follows a narrative review format discussing these methodological limitations. Results: A number of previous publications have failed to control, and/or report with clarity, independent variables such as exercises performed, repetitions, load, contractions, intensity of effort and total training volume both within and between intervention groups. Conclusions: The results show that a previous lack of control/clarity in resistance training studies can hinder the scientific validity and practical application of any results obtained. By discussing this topic, the hope is to remind researchers, authors, editors, and reviewers of the need for scientific rigour throughout the process of research publication.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)10-12
    Number of pages3
    JournalJournal of Trainology
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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