Project Details

Academic description

"The Red Fig" is a proof-of-concept short film that stands as a crucial element within the broader narrative of the feature anthology film, "Hinterland Stories."
This creative venture is a direct extension of my practice-based research work, delving into the problematic representation of migration and subaltern communities in cinema. The foundational principles of this research draw heavily from postcolonial theory, coupled with participatory media creation practices. The overarching objective is to disrupt and challenge prevalent stereotypes and clichés associated with migrants, refugees and hinterland working class communities. By doing so, the project aims to transcend the limiting portrayals of these individuals as either societal outcasts or mere subjects of Western charity. Building on the successes of my previous project, La Rabbia, a Hybrid film, (Documentary and Fiction) that secured research funds from Solent University and garnered recognition at prestigious film festivals such as the SALINA DOC FESTIVAL in Italy, “The Red Fig" aspires to push the boundaries of storytelling and of the representation of subaltern communities on the screen.
“The Red Fig" is more than a cinematic endeavor; it is a transformative journey that seeks to challenge, inspire, and reshape narratives, contributing to the cultural tapestry of cinema and society at large.
Effective start/end date23/04/2431/07/25


  • Solent University


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