'Charlie Locke and the quest for confidence'

Project Details

Academic description

The experiment was carried out to see if we could develop students work from a module to extend and go on a professional tour. The initial concept of this project was developed from a level 5 Live brief. Students were asked to create 30-minute Musical Theatre performances to help primary school children explore relevant issues – such as transition into senior school, bullying and climate change. This brief was set by our Solent Widening participation team. At a similar time, we were approached by TSE productions with the opportunity to help develop a professional children’s theatre show. The project was conceived both by meeting a local need and finding a professional output for this need with the below aims:
• To give students the opportunity to develop their ideas to a professional and marketable standard
• Offer our students real industry experience • Enable our students to work with a professional company and director
• To enable our students to get professional work
• To enable our students to have the experience and learning to be able to create their own work in this highly competitive profession.
• To enable civic engagement to feed into the University’s Civic Engagement Policy
• To enable business engagement to feed into the University’s Civic Engagement Policy
• To be the basis of a larger funding bid in the future to create a producing hub for our students so that we can create a pool of shows and enable our graduates to have a secure route into the profession.
Effective start/end date1/01/2231/07/22


  • Solent University