Body Topology Comparison and Processing

Project Details

Academic description

This project is a development that follows on from a previous successful RIKE project in 2018; “Can 3D body scans of life models with body painted topology reference be used to test the deformation of animated 3D computer generated (CG) characters?” The previous project successfully produced a simple and adaptive methodology for measuring the deformations in a way that directly relates to the topology of the digital character. The results of the project also pointed towards the use of such data for the partial automation of the creation of rigged animatable characters; however, this required using manual processing of copying 3D data into Excel and then recreating a new 3D file manually form the Excel data. This project will code the process directly to allow more complex data analysis and processing. The aim of the new project is to take 3D scanned pose data not only to capture (and compare) the deformations, but to establish if it is possible to automatically identify limb sections (aka rigid bodies) and the joint pivot positions from the data which would allow the scanned data to directly produce a character rig for animating the character. A secondary aim is to identify directions of flow in deformations to validate existing topology norms within the industry and potentially lead to auto-topology generation for scanned models. The project involves body painting digital human topology onto a nude model and 3D scanning the model in various poses to create a suitable dataset.
Effective start/end date10/09/2431/07/25


  • Solent University


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