Activities per year
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Borrowed images in Sixteenth-century peasant pamphlets and their political message
Jon Trayner (Speaker)
14 Apr 2021Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
The image of the female Karsthans in Lucas Cranach’s Women Assaulting Clergy
Jon Trayner (Speaker)
30 Oct 2021Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
'Art, Science and Technology - The Discovery of X-rays and its Cultures'
Tom Slevin (Speaker)
Feb 2022Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
The attributes of piety in the frontispiece illustrations of Diepold Peringer’s sermons.
Jon Trayner (Speaker)
29 Oct 2022Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
Atsuhide Ito (Speaker)
7 Nov 2022Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
Know Your Place? Peasants and Soldiers as Political Actors in Sixteenth Century Prints
Jon Trayner (Speaker)
14 Apr 2023Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
The Emergent Field of Live Music Studies
Chris Anderton (Speaker)
25 May 2023Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
“A peasant and a knight have risen in response”: An Examination of the Frontispiece of Melchior Ramminger’s Pamphlet Commenting on the Diet of Worms
Jon Trayner (Speaker)
27 Oct 2023Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
Oral Presentation: ‘Towards Art Music and Concertos: Composing for Diploma Level Electric Bass Guitarists and Portfolio of Original Compositions’
Greg Mudd (Speaker)
27 Jun 2024Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)
Exploring the Intersection of Birth Trauma and Hyperacusis Through Artistic Expression
India Lawton (Speaker)
28 Oct 2024Activity: Invited talk or paper presentation › Invited talk (e.g. Keynote or guest speaker)